
如果这些可以换一个男朋友 你会换吗

2016-12-06 普大 普特考试小助手

大家都知道,男人来自火星,女人来自金星。虽然男人女人不同,但却又很多相似点,其中最基本的就是异性相吸。可是有很多时候,对于女人的一些举动,男士们都表示不理解或者不认同,对此,The Richest就男生不希望女生做的事情专门做了一些采访,看看他们怎么说,有可能这就是妹纸们找不到男朋友的原因(不好意思哦,一不小心又戳到你们的痛点了惹~)

Duck Face



Women may believe it makes them look more attractive, but the reality is, in the eyes of men it makes them look less attractive, which no woman wants to be. Duck face is something I think a lot of men are hoping will go out of style in the new year, so ladies if you are reading this, leave this phase in 2016.


Using Way Too Much Makeup


There is one thing we can say with confidence: most men like a girl that wears just a little makeup. Women are naturally beautiful and the idea that they ALWAYS need to wear makeup is something that drives men crazy.Most men find their partners the most beautiful when they are in bed or coming out of the shower. That pure beauty is what makes men keep falling in love with their women over and over.


Yes, putting on makeup is a lot of fun but sometimes it is nice to embrace a more natural look and trust us when we say, men will be even more drawn to your beauty. This is nothing against makeup this is more about loving yourself without any modifications, because as most of you know, the most attractive thing to a man is confidence.


Calling Themselves “Queens”


If your man wants to call you his queen, that should be something they do, not something you force them to say. Listen up ladies, a “queen” does not need to remind everybody of their status all the times, real queens know how they should be treated .


Eating Off His Plate



Ladies need to understand that men do not care if you order a burger and fries, in fact, if that is what you want they would prefer you to order it. Women must stop trying to give off an image of perfection and just relax and be themselves, especially with men. Yes, men and women are different, but both sexes have similarities. When you eat off his plate, it can be cute, however, when it happens every time you guys go out to eat, it gets a little annoying.


Always Being On Social Media


2016 is a year that saw a lot of people get obsessed with social media, especially women. A lot of men get turned off by a girl who is constantly checking on social media, posting and doing whatever else there is to do online.



Going Through His Phone


If you are looking through his phone, the relationship is already over.  To a man, when a woman goes looking for problems, it is a big turn off. Trust is something that is important in a relationship and going through anyone’s phone is seen as an invasion of privacy.


Talking During Sports


We definitely do not want them to talk during our shows, so we should not talk during their favorite shows. We get it, men can be really annoying when it comes to their sports games, however, it makes them insanely happy, which is totally worth it. Let your man watch his sports in peace and if it annoys you, just go in the other room and watch something else. A lot of men are too nice to tell a woman to stop talking, they also know that saying that won’t usually end well, which is why we are telling you ladies for them.


Playing Mind Games



On the opposite end of the spectrum, if a woman is interested in you, it’s possible that you don’t really know. Women do not wear their hearts on their sleeves and they tend to focus on more than one guy at once. Ladies if you like a guy, tell him and if you do not, stop leading him on. It drives them crazy and it’s really not nice.



(英文材料来自the richest  编辑翻译:Aimee)


